We've made custom cross-stitch patterns from photos of babies, kids, dogs, cats, harleys, logos, houses, landscapes, posters, flags, weddings, birthdays, horses, arm patches, puppies, flowers, cars, team logos, men, women, signs, Santa, paintings, family crests, birds, animals, wrestlers, rock bands, families, postcards, greeting cards and more.

Send us your favorite photo or clipart image, and we will generate a full color counted
cross-stitch pattern complete with color key and material list in your choice of 8x10, 9x12, 11x14, 16x20 or custom finished pattern sizes & stitch counts from 14 - 28.

Makes a great keepsake that will bring joy for years to come.
Print it yourself. Save shipping charges. Delivery by email within 24 hrs. Print as many copies as you need, anytime you want. Free replacement if lost. Free pattern adjustments.

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Makes a great gift
Sent by email within 24 hours. Usually in an hour!
Your family and friends will love receiving a personalized gift you made yourself!
only $14.95

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